Peppermint Bark I’ve totally jumped on the peppermint bandwagon but it’s for a very good reason; it’s delicious. In fact, this peppermint bark is so delicious that it’s dangerous because it’s two bags of chocolate chips that I could eat in one sitting. It’s so delicious and dangerous that I don’t want to know the nutritional value of anything ...
Swedish Christmas Cookies
Swedish Christmas Cookies This recipe was originally published exactly 4 years ago to the day; my friend reminded me how great it is so I wanted to remind everyone else too... thank you MK! There are certain things in everyone’s childhood that continue to make us feel the magic of Christmas, even in our adult years. For me, it’s ...
Chewy Monster Cookies
Chewy Monster Cookies I'm so digging sharing older recipes... this one is fantastic and I'm totally going to bake these with my kids over March Break! This is the perfect time of year for this recipe; just steal some Halloween candy when no one is looking! This recipe reminds me of ‘cleaning out the closet’; throw in whatever goodies you have on ...
Chocolate-Dipped Shortbread Cookies
Chocolate-Dipped Shortbread Cookies This is has been my go-to Christmas cookie recipe for years! I have no idea why I haven’t posted it sooner. I’ve made the cookies extra festive with the addition of the melted chocolate. Originally posted on 10 December, ...
Gooey Yummy Chocolate Brownies
Gooey Yummy Chocolate Brownies This was originally posted in April 2016 but it's a great after school treat any time of year :) Easter has come and gone and all Easter chocolate (except mini-eggs…boo) is like 75% off in the store. Confession? I bought 5 pounds. Another confession? Mike ate one pound of it before I had the chance to tell him ...
Vegan Shortbread Cookies
Vegan Shortbread Cookies This recipe is so simple that it’s almost embarrassing to share it. Almost. The thing is, this is my absolute favourite Christmas cookie, I make it every year. Here is a link to my Chocolate-Dipped Shortbread recipe (it’s not vegan though). I love Christmas and everything about it :) Makes about 36 (depending on the ...
Chewy Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chewy Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies These cookies are the chocolatiest I’ve ever had in my life. I am an admitted chocoholic and I must say this recipe has produced the best cookie I have ever eaten in my life. This is not the place to be modest, I’m sorry, it’s just really not. I repeat this is the BEST COOKIE I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE. ...
Good Old Fashioned Apple Pie
Good Old Fashioned Apple Pie Last year I published a Surviving the Holiday Dinner Guide and I said I bought the pie for dinner; that has haunted me for a year!!! I thought this insanely delicious pie recipe would help my karma and help your Thanksgiving menu. Stay tuned for my Updated Surviving the Holiday Dinner Guide with updated recipe ideas ...
Chewiest Peanut Butter Cookies
Chewiest Peanut Butter Cookies In case I haven’t been clear, I’m an absolute chocoholic, I love it and I’d eat it every day. With that said, I must say I love peanut butter too! My idea of decadence is anything peanut butter with more peanut butter!!!! These cookies have the consistency of a soft fudge with an incredible peanut butter ...
Chewy Peanut Butter and Nutella Cookie Bars
Chewy Peanut Butter and Nutella Cookie Bars I’ve always advocated life in moderation and this is the second full fat yummy treat that I’ve posted (the other is my Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies). Eventually I’ll have a full section on my site for that but when you advocate life in moderation, more decadent recipes are going to take some time! These ...
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chewy Chocolate Chip Cookies I almost called this recipe: ‘The Chewiest, Yummiest Chocolate Chip Cookie in the World’, yup, I said it. This is without a doubt the world’s most delicious cookie. It is. I swear. You’ll be the hero of every bake sale and every mom in town will want your cookie recipe, even if you don’t have kids, all the moms in town ...
Chocolate Cherry Biscotti
Chocolate Cherry Biscotti This is my decadent version of the Italian, twice baked cookie. The sweetness of the dried cherries add a richness and sweetness and it’s funny that this is described as decadent because it’s whole wheat and low fat! Makes about 18 Biscotti 1 ½ Cup Whole wheat flour ¼ Cup Unsweetened Cocoa Powder 1 tsp baking ...