Cheesy Mexican Beef and Rice with Beans, Skillet Dinner This is one of those dishes that is soul-soothing-delicious. I made this dish on a cold night and it warmed me and the house. I love how the corn stays crunchy and by adding black beans you're significantly adding fibre and protein. The green onions at the end give more crunch and ...
Baked Beef Chimichangas
Baked Beef Chimichangas It never ceases to amaze me how much I love Mexican and Tex-Mex food. Let me break it down for you; it's easy, fast, healthy, and DELICIOUS. I can't get enough of it! Here I've made chimichangas which are essentially deep fried burritos but cut the fat and grease by baking them. Make these your own by switching up the ...
Beef and Bean Burritos
Beef and Bean Burritos It’s not too often that I look at photo of the food I’ve made and salivate; I tend to have my fill and move on. This is NOT one of those times. I look at these pictures and my mouth is actually watering. I cannot, repeat cannot wait to make this again! The flavours are incredible and these burritos are just so ...