Lemon/Soy Flank Steak I officially love flank steak! This is another yummy marinade for you; it’s lemony (yum!) and has a hint of Asian flare (double yum!). Flanks steak used to be considered a cheap cut of meat but then all of a sudden people clued in to how great it is and now it’s expensive, so unfair!!! Originally posted on May 04, ...
Lemon-Garlic Marinated Grilled Chicken
Lemon-Garlic Marinated Grilled Chicken This is one of those ridicuously easy dishes that always seems to impress. This is a great summer dish but can also be made year round thanks to one trusty lemon. This recipe works best if you have a microplane, like a zester. Trust me; you’re going to love this dish! Serves 4 The zest of a ...