Chicken and Dumpling Soup This is what we had for dinner tonight and Mike loved it :) I can’t help it, it’s winter and it’s cold and crappy and I love soup. I love everything about soup, the smell and the warmth while it cooks, curling up with a blanket and watching the snow fall while I carefully slurp the hot broth. Okay, I’m being a little ...
baking powder
Apple Cheddar Christmas Loaf with Thyme
Apple Cheddar Christmas Loaf with Thyme This is the perfect addition to everyone's holiday breakfast or brunch feast. This bread which kind of has a cake texture is decadent, delicious and so ridiculously simple. You can even make this the day before and then on Christmas morning warm it in a low oven just before serving. I truly hope everyone ...
Ham and Cheese Roll Ups
Ham and Cheese Roll Ups In case you've ever wondered who wakes the rooster in the morning who wakes the farmer and the world; it's my 2 year old. Only on Saturdays though oh and Sunday's. She has her little loving heart set on waking up when it's still dark and while Mike and I are still very much dreaming. So every Saturday morning I get her ...
Turkey Cobbler
Turkey Cobbler Canadians celebrated Thanksgiving last week and for the first time ever, Mike and I stayed home with the kids; just the 4 of us. It was awesome but I still cooked a 12 pound turkey. Here is one of the ways I used up the leftovers :) This was originally posted 18 October, ...
Slow-Cooker Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Dumpling Soup
Slow-Cooker Creamy Chicken and Vegetable Dumpling Soup There is nothing more soul-soothing than a pot of soup cooking away. Except well a soup cooking in a slow cooker is pretty fabulous too. Enter dumplings. A slow cooker soup with dumplings; now that's awesome! This is what we had on Halloween. Picture trick or treating in the cold and ...
Chewy Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chewy Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies These cookies are the chocolatiest I’ve ever had in my life. I am an admitted chocoholic and I must say this recipe has produced the best cookie I have ever eaten in my life. This is not the place to be modest, I’m sorry, it’s just really not. I repeat this is the BEST COOKIE I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY LIFE. ...